# Extensible Scripts

You may configure your generated bash script to delegate any unknown command to an external executable, by setting the extensible option to either true, or to a different external command.

This is similar to how git works. When you execute git whatever, the git command will look for a file named git-whatever in the path, and execute it.

The extensible option supports two operation modes:

# Extension mode

extensible: true

By setting extensible to true, a specially named executable will be called when an unknown command is called by the user.

Given this configuration:

name: myscript
help: Example
version: 0.1.0
extensible: true

- name: upload
  help: Upload a file

And this user command:

$ myscript something

The generated script will look for an executable named myscript-something in the path. If found, it will be called.

Extensible Extension Example

# Delegate mode

extensible: <executable name>

By setting extensible to any string, unknown command calls by the user will be delegated to the executable with that name.

Given this configuration:

name: mygit
help: Example
version: 0.1.0
extensible: git

- name: push
  help: Push to my repository

And this user command:

$ mygit status

The generated script will execute git status.

Extensible Delegate Example