# Custom Libraries Source

# Overview

Bashly is capable of importing external library functions from a custom central libraries source using the bashly add --source NAME ... command.

These external library sources can be:

  1. A local path
  2. A remote git repository
  3. A remote GitHub repository (public or private)

This can be useful if:

  1. You have multiple bashly-generated scripts, and wish to have a central place for shareable libraries.
  2. You wish to create a public source for libraries for bashly.
  3. You wish to create a private shareable libraries source for your organization.

# Specifications

The external library source must have a libraries.yml file describing the libraries it provides. A typical libraries.yml file looks like this:

  help: Add standard functions for printing colorful text.
    - source: "colors/colors.sh"
      target: "%{user_lib_dir}/colors.%{user_ext}"

  help: Add standard functions for handling INI files.
    - source: "config/config.sh"
      target: "%{user_lib_dir}/config.%{user_ext}"

  post_install_message: |
    Remember to set up the CONFIG_FILE variable in your script.
    For example: CONFIG_FILE=settings.ini.

# help

The message to show when running bashly add --source NAME --list

# files

An array of source + target paths of files to copy when adding this library.

  • source is relative to the root of the library source.
  • target is relative to the current directory, and you can use any of these tokens in the path:
    • %{user_source_dir} - path to the user's source directory (normally ./src).
    • %{user_target_dir} - path to the user's target directory (normally .).
    • %{user_lib_dir} - path to the user's lib directory (normally ./src/lib).
    • %{user_ext} - the user's selected partials extension (normally sh).

# post_install_message

An optional message to show after the user installs the library. You can use a multi-line YAML string here, and use color markers as specified by the Colsole gem.

In the below example, g`...` means green, m`...` magenta, and bu`...` blue underlined:

post_install_message: |
  Edit your tests in g`test/approve` and then run:

    m`$ test/approve`

  Docs: bu`https://github.com/DannyBen/approvals.bash`

# Auto-upgrade

Your library files can be set to auto-upgrade when running bashly generate --upgrade. In order to enable this functionality, you need to add a special upgrade marker to your file:

## [@bashly-upgrade source-uri;library-name]

For example

## [@bashly-upgrade github:you/your-repo;config]

You can also use the shorthand version of the marker, which will be replaced with the full marker when the library is added:

## [@bashly-upgrade]

The double-hash comment marker is optional, and denotes a hidden comment, which will not appear in the final generated bash script.